Monday, June 11, 2007

The Flemish get smart...

Yesterday's national polls demonstrate that Flemish politicians cannot fool around anymore with the Flemish voters. The current governing coalition between Liberals and Socialists have eventually fucked up in this election BIG TIME, following a torrent of obnoxious and childish blunders. Local media present almost daily most of the tricks of the trade that governing parties pull out of their hat to get things "done". No place to hide. Dirty politics are presented to the voters like episodes from a soap opera. The result is a strong message from the voters to the politicians: " Dudes, nobody's safe! If you think you've grown a huge dick by being elected by us in the previous term... we've got news for you: don't fuck-up or you're about to fuck-off next time over!"

That's exactly what happened yesterday. The new Christian Democrats (CD&V), confined to the opposition for eight long years, won the polls under a new strong man, Yves Leterme, big time! Not because those fockers (pardon my Irish accent) are any better from the governing Liberals... far from. It was just the reaction of the average Joe out of anger about the boneheads of the current coalition, especially those braindead Machiavellistic and populist Socialists...

Eight years ago, it was the old Christian Democrat party (CVP) who had to pay the price as governing coalition because of their incompetence in execution of government and their subsequent cover-ass tactics. The then Prime Minister, Jean Luc Dehaene (a sumo-fighter look-alike figure, used to swallowing little alive fish into his zeppelin-shaped belly for fun, riding mechanical rodeo bulls at Billie-Bob's in Fort Worth, Texas with "laat de beast go" cries) screwed up with numerous government cock-ups, among which the infamous Dioxine poultry contamination fraud that forced the entire population abandon bird meat consumption for months. Long story short, JL got what he deserved and out of government for ever. Same happened to split-front-teeth Terry Thomas look-alike Guy Verhofstadt yesterday, our current coalition Prime Minister, who in an emotional farewell appearance to the public kissed his current job good-bye and off into the market for a real job. Verhofstadt admitted full responsibility for yesterday's disastrous elections outcome (IMHO it looked more like he was admitting his own personal arrogance and incompetence, but anyways...).

So, this morning they'll start again more of the same. Negotiations among parties, kiss-ass tactics, shooting-old-mates-in-the-back tricks, and always-somebody-else's-fault cover-ass excuses.

If I had the power for a day, I'd first declare the Socialist party retarded and unfit for any future polls and I would send the VLD party President to farm roosters in Mechelen (the town he came from) and the CD&V party President (the party that won yesterday's polls) to the Vatican as a Papal Assistant (serving him tea and cosher cookies sort-of-thing).

The only good news is that our new Parlement can save some tax-payer money from engaging the necessary security agents from the kingdom of the Apes. I am hearing that two Belgian judo ex-champs were elected to this chamber of representatives... Cool! Let's see some real fights then. With points, KOs and all...

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