Monday, August 20, 2007

I Woz

What's wrong with Steve Wozniak? 30 years ago he joined El Jobso to found Apple Computer and for a decade he was a brilliant computer architect at the side of his partner, the other 'Steve'... (or was it him who was the 'other' while His Jobness was the real 'Steve'... who cares anyway.)

Of course for the last so many years Woz hasn't been doing much other than pushing himself occasionally into the news thru trivial events like, selling his house for millions of dollars, publishing his autobiography whose reading makes you vomit by his pompous self-belief that he's the smartest brain on the planet, standing in queue to buy an... iPhone and nowdays dating a stand-up comedian.

I often heard him talking in the Twit podcasts, invited by a pathetic radio-reporter Leo Laporte whose only serious contribution to this world is his clownish impersonations of non-English aliens speaking English (Laporte, another accident of mother nature who thinks of himself as a sophisticated hacker... I doubt he's even ever been able to code 'Hello World' in Microsoft Basic). Woz has always come across as a spoiled child with a huge technical talent on one hand but a lousy approach to life on the other, a sort of Michael Jackson geek look-alike. Woz probably hates himself of jumping off the train so early in the process (that's 20 year ago plus) and he now envies the glory that his Jobness enjoys wherever he goes and whatever he does.

Often I wonder... why do some people love fame that much? Is it for the money? Is it because they are dreaming of getting laid by some hot (braindead) babe? What's the point? Woz looks like shit anyways. Flat ugly! He's grown so fat that he could easily do a double act of Laurel and Hardy together with his bro, the 'other' Steve. With all his money, he's not embarassed at all to cash a monthly salary at Apple Inc. as he's always remained an 'employee'! And he's so proud of it!

Little, petty, sad people...

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